Our latest white papers on COVID-19 are posted here. Click the links below to read the full white papers.
White Paper - COVID-19 Impacts to K-12 Schools
White-Paper - COVID-19 Impacts to Higher Education
White Paper - COVID-19 Impacts to Long-Term Care Facilities
White Paper - COVID-19 Thermographic Screening
White Paper - COVID-19 STEEP Analysis
White Paper - COVID-19 Impacts to the Workplace
The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has selected Bala as an approved vendor to provide MEP and Technology Facility Conditions Assessments. Read our short and long term strategies for re-opening K-12 schools.
The thought of a post-pandemic state brings hope to us all. But what does a post-pandemic office environment look like and how does it operate? The COVID-19 virus has forever changed our personal perspectives on cleanliness and safety. How we get to our office, what we touch when there, and who we interact with in person will be some of our largest concerns.
Building systems play a very important role in helping us return to our office environments safely. As an industry leader, Bala has been researching and collaborating with industry partners and health experts to fully understand the most effective ways to make our buildings safer. From filters and air changes in HVAC systems to sanitization and touchless fixtures as well as technology integrations for access control and bio-scanning there are short and long term strategies that building owners can implement to increase the safety of their building.
We know from experience that building systems like HVAC, plumbing and technology are key elements to making the workplace environment a collaborative and safe space for everyone. We have identified some short and long term building system strategies for building owners to consider when evaluating their systems.
The goal for implementing these strategies is to provide building occupants with the reassurance they need to feel safe in their buildings, while reducing the impact these strategies have on their work and daily activities.
These building systems strategies coupled with architectural strategies, will reassure occupants that the buildings they are returning to have evolved to keep pace with the latest in health and safety guidelines.
Information on our COVID-19 engineering response is evolving every day. Check back regularly to learn our latest insights and recommendations.